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Laser Tattoo Removal
Locations in Rancho Cucamonga, Redlands and Hesperia, CA
Q-Switched laser technology offers efficiency at very low risk. It enables effective tattoo removal with little chance of side effects. Q-Switched laser systems can now remove all types of tattoos with little or no scarring. Professional and amateur tattoos, as well as traumatic tattoos, resulting from accidents, are treated successfully. While pain tolerance is an individual matter, most people tolerate Q-Switches tattoo treatment well, and describe the sensation as a rubber band snap to the skin. The majority of patients require no anesthesia, though we do use numbing cream at every treatments. Lidocaine injections may be used in sensitive areas.
Benefits of Laser Tattoo Removal
Fades tattoo completely
Safest procedure
Minimal scarring
Removes all unwanted tattoos
Quick recovery
Suitable for all skin types
Laser TATTOO Removal Before and After*

Q-Switched Nd: YAG Module
*Tattoo removal for all colors
*1064 nm for dark pigment
*Frequency doubled 532 nm for red and yellow pigment
*Dee and concentrated pigmented lesions
In determining the number of treatments necessary, the Physician will consider such factors as tattoo location, patients’ age, and the skin type. Most tattoos may take between 6 to 12 treatments with some taking more, depending on the type of tattoo. Numbing cream will be used for every treatment. Return every eight weeks for following treatments. Lidocaine injections are available for $60.00 per area
Why Health First Medical Weight Loss & Skin Care For Laser Tattoo Removal?
Health First Medical Weight Loss & Skin Care has a vested interest in the continued good health and appearance of all its patients. Our entire staff is comprised of individuals whom share a passion for health, helping people, weight loss, and skin care. Our office supports its Hesperia and Redlands Laser Tattoo Removal patients before, during, and after treatments to ensure that they are healthy and happy. We are constantly striving to exceed the expectations of our patients through great results and exceptional customer service.
Laser Tattoo Removal Near Me
At Health First Medical Weight Loss & Skin Care you’ll first meet and consult with our in house physician, Dr. Leonard Schulkind, MD in order to determine if Laser Tattoo Removal is right for you. Call (760)-948-0980 or sign up online to schedule your complimentary consultation today.

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**Results may vary. We are reputable for complete customer satisfaction for completed treatments. Before and after images reflect real results from real patients, although individual results may vary. No treatment is promised to provide permanent results. A guarantee is neither provided nor implied. Statements estimating treatment duration and the number of treatments required are based on the typical experience of our patients, however individual experiences may vary.

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